Europe flights are booked - YIPPY!!!!!
Well, today I went down & paid for my round the world trip & travel insurance. Now I just need to work out trains & other smaller stuff.
It turned out that the difference between the 26,000 & 29,000 trips was $20.00 - so now I get to go to Canada as well - yay.
So, the flights are as follows:
Dep Melbourne, Australia 7 July 23:30 - Arr Naples, Italy 8 July 22:45 (via Bangkok & Munich)
- staying with SCA people in Naples, Milan, Venice, Nuremberg & Berlin.
Dep Berlin, Germany 19 July 15:45 - Arr Edinburgh, Scotland 19 July 20:40 (via Copenhagen)
- staying with SCA people in Edinburgh & Lichfield, then finding other accommodation in Normandy, then travelling via Holland to Koblenz & staying with SCA people there for a few days.
Dep Frankfurt, Germany 29 July 12:20 - Arr Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 29 July 18:07 (via Washington DC)
- staying at Pennsic (Yippy).
Dep Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 24 August 6:00 - Arr Vancouver, Canada 24 August 10:23 (via Chicago)
- hopefully (yet to be arranged) staying with SCA people in Vancouver or surrounds.
Dep Vancouver, Canada 29 August 16:15 - Arr Melbourne, Australia 31 August 9:35 (via Los Angeles)
- Arriving back home, resting for the weekend & then back to work.
Most of my internal Europe travel will be by train (or gracious assistance of those I stay with).
Anyone who has offered my accommodation, I will be in contact with you again soon.
Anyone who might read this & be able to assist me in either Normandy or Vancouver, please contact me & let me know.
Its amazing - its just so real now.
It turned out that the difference between the 26,000 & 29,000 trips was $20.00 - so now I get to go to Canada as well - yay.
So, the flights are as follows:
Dep Melbourne, Australia 7 July 23:30 - Arr Naples, Italy 8 July 22:45 (via Bangkok & Munich)
- staying with SCA people in Naples, Milan, Venice, Nuremberg & Berlin.
Dep Berlin, Germany 19 July 15:45 - Arr Edinburgh, Scotland 19 July 20:40 (via Copenhagen)
- staying with SCA people in Edinburgh & Lichfield, then finding other accommodation in Normandy, then travelling via Holland to Koblenz & staying with SCA people there for a few days.
Dep Frankfurt, Germany 29 July 12:20 - Arr Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 29 July 18:07 (via Washington DC)
- staying at Pennsic (Yippy).
Dep Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 24 August 6:00 - Arr Vancouver, Canada 24 August 10:23 (via Chicago)
- hopefully (yet to be arranged) staying with SCA people in Vancouver or surrounds.
Dep Vancouver, Canada 29 August 16:15 - Arr Melbourne, Australia 31 August 9:35 (via Los Angeles)
- Arriving back home, resting for the weekend & then back to work.
Most of my internal Europe travel will be by train (or gracious assistance of those I stay with).
Anyone who has offered my accommodation, I will be in contact with you again soon.
Anyone who might read this & be able to assist me in either Normandy or Vancouver, please contact me & let me know.
Its amazing - its just so real now.