Sunday, August 26, 2007

Vancouver - an interesting start

Well, I arrived in Vancouver yesterday.

After eventually getting here (Chicago had 500 flights cancelled the day before and was still experiencing massive delays so I wasn't sure I'd get here), I collect my luggage and then on my way out a very friendly security person started chatting with me about my trip, and then what was in my bags. When I said I had armour for medieval combat he forwarded the suggestion SCA (so he'd heard of us), but didn't know much about us. He then led me off to a door leading off from the main area (da da da daaaa) - but it turned out to be a short cut through to the examination (luggage) area. He went through my bags (cheerful & friendly the whole time), found nothing of interest and let me go (Phew!).

Anyhow - I then met Kuno (Randy's dad, the person I'm staying with) outside and headed back to his house.

Today I was out exploring Vancouver city - tomorrow I'll head up to Grouse Mt and Monday - well we'll see what comes up. I am looking forward to getting home though.

See yawl later.


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