Friday, August 24, 2007

Wrap up from North Carolina

Well, tomorrow I move on to Vancouver.

I have had an excellent time here in The States (specifically Pennsic (in Pennsylvania) to which all who can should go (at least once) and North Carolina, where I have been staying since Pennsic).

I have tried a diverse range of "American food" (both from north and south of "the border" (ie: Mexican). They have mexican restaurants on every corner like we have chinese & indian restaurants everywhere back home (with the same variance in quality and cost).

I visited Wal-Mart (several times) - sort of like a large Big-W store, but bigger.

In the last week that I've been here I went to a local training (where my helmet bit me due to being out of shape - see I knew it was time I retired it), got given access to a Jeep Wrangler, went for a ride in a speed boat and had a go at both water skiing (successful) and knee-boarding (more successful), took a "Pontoon boat" out for a trip around the lake (as driver), visited a local historical site (War of Independance related) and just generally experienced a lot of American culture (for those of you thinking it, don't say it).

I also went and saw the Bourne Ultimatium. It is very good, in the same vein as the other 2 movies. The only thing I would suggest is that you watch the Bourne Supremacey shortly before going to the cinema - it will help you keep up with who's who (in case you forgot) as it starts almost immediately after the end of that movie.

One of the things that really stands out here is that they love our animals (especially the Kangaroo). There are a number of products (and companies) that use them in their names, logos and advertising (very strange, but funny).

I have had an absolutely brilliant time here with Saunooke and Mikai, their 12yr old son Fox and their 3.5 dogs (Butch, China, Maya and Bess (the .5 dog).

I'm not sure if I'll write from Vancouver, but if not I will complete my photo journals for each of the cities I visited + Pennsic upon my return to Australia.

Thanks to all those who have written in - its good to know that some people are reading this.



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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hanbal, I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the time in the US of A. Wish you all the best for your final trip home.


25 August 2007 at 1:08 am  

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