Thursday, July 12, 2007

Blisters & full days - a quick update

Hey all

Well - Rebecca & Matt have been absolutely brilliant to stay with. They have a wonderful Italian Villa on the edge of Naples and have been full of good ideas & assistance.

I have been flat chat the last several days - I do have lots of photos already, so I can see a slide night (or 2) planned for when I get back.

So - Lets go back a little way....

As I was walking around Bangkok airport, I couldn't help but notice that every walkway displayed their incredible loyalty to their King. He has been in power for 60yrs now & they really do adore him.

So - Monday, I'd arrived & was invited to go do some training with Matt, Rebecca and "the other couple in Naples (sort of reminds me of Sunbury a couple of years ago). Anyway, we went down to the USA Navy base (support) - and after some chat, we went outside & got geared up. Matt hadn't fought in armour since he was in Iceland (18 months ago) & Scott (the guy in the Japanese armour) hasn't got a lot in since moving from the states. So for me it was more about investigating different styles & seeing if I "quietly" offer any advice. Afterwards we did some Rapier & this time I had a very willing student in Rebecca, and think I may have helped her a bit.

They had a friends son (18yrs) who wanted to have a go, so since the other 2 had to stop before me, I got to beat up the new guy (nicely). He had fun & may well be back.

I also let these 3 or 4 young kids that turned up have a go & beating me up - with the usual results (they enjoyed it immensely).

On the left is my host Matt & on the right (in the Japanese) is Scott (who has been to Rowany & been beat up by many Knights & Squires at one of their trainings (they were training "unmarked" so he didn't know who he fought till afterwards)).

Yesterday (Tuesday, July 10, I went to Rome (That is the Collosium behind me to the left). This photo was thrown in for free as part of the tour that I went on. He started out with the gladius to my throat & asked where I was from - when he heard Australia he said "oh no kill then, friend".

And today I went to Pompeii.

I have photos for both, but its late & I have another early start in the morning - so I'm off to bed (after I deal with these nasty blisters that I have developed).

Some small changes to my Schedule though.

I am now staying in a hotel in Venice (instead of John & Honor's - something came up).

Fighting on the 21st will now be in Edinburgh somewhere - so I'll have to visit York on a different day (but without the armour - oh well).

Ciao for now from Naples, Italy

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